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Are you tired of feeling lost when it comes to nutrition? Do you find yourself overwhelmed by all the conflicting health advice out there? Well, you're not alone! I've been through it all too, and I want to help you find your way.

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Nutritional Eating Plans

Therapeutic Techniques

Intro to Intermittent Fasting

Nutritional Re-education

Tailored Exercise Workouts

Excess Weight & Obesity

Nutrition in Diseases : Diverticulitis, Diabetes, IBS and others

Food Intolerences

Ketogenic Way of Eating

Vegetarian & Vegan Diet

What Is a Clinical Weight Advisor?

Nutrition is dedicated to promoting healthy eating habits, suited to the individual needs of each person, with the aim of preventing the onset of diseases or reducing their consequences, optimizing the individual's nutritional status.


A Clinical Weight Advisor's mission is to develop functions of analysis, nutritional guidance, intervention and monitoring of food and nutrition, regarding the adequacy, quality, safety and sustainability.


These missions are applied to individuals or groups, in the community, with the ultimate objective of promoting health and well-being and preventing disease, in accordance with scientific evidence.

Who am I ?

Hi! My name is Deandra Miller and I´m a Certified Clinical Weight Loss Advisor based in Portugal. I´m specialized in using a ketogenic way of eating and Intermittent Fasting to help others reach their health and fitness goals. Over the last couple of years, I´ve inspired people worldwide to take back control of their health. I encourage clients to strive for progress and not perfection.


The single most important thing that contributed to my success as a coach has been a continuous investment of my time, effort, and focus in my own education. I believe once we stop learning and growing, we start to deteriorate.


Since 2020, my mission has been to help and empower my clients to overcome their most challenging obstacles and start living happier and healthier lifestyles. My personal experience allows me to understand how it can be  difficult to start something when you might be feeling completely lost or drained, physically and most likely emotionally. 

I aim to create a life balance that prioritizes your well-being and celebrates all aspects of your true self. It’s time to start nurturing your body and soul again!

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