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Let´s Work Together!

In 2017, I began working on my own journey in order to achieve good health and balance in all aspects of life. In 2020, I officially began helping others to achieve the same through my experience and knowledge.  As your Natural Health & Weight Loss Advisor, I guide and help you feel the confidence and support you need to overcome your challenges. I work with groups & individuals to empower them to become a better version of themselves. You aren't alone, and don't have to do it alone.


Image by Marissa Grootes

Weight Loss Coaching

Here we provide:

  • Education about nutrition, physical activity, & wellness topics

  • Help to develop a healthy lifestyle plan

  • Online nutrition coaching & support

  • Tailored exercise workouts

  • Nutritional eating plans

  • Therapeutic techniques


For people who wish to take a therapeutic approach, learning the root causes of why we eat the way we currently do, and applying strategies that benefit our overall mental and physical health while losing weight.

Image by Rachel Park

Food Re-education

Here, we learn:

  • What foods are most beneficial

  • How much we should be eating

  • Common mistakes and tips to choosing better


For people who wish to maintain a healthy daily lifestyle.


We also take a look at different ways of eating, such as vegetarian, vegan, ketogenic and more. We seek to find which style would best suit each individual to thrive.

Image by Icons8 Team

Intermittent Fasting

Here, we learn:

  • The types of Fasting and which is best for you

  • The benefits

  • How to begin

  • Common mistakes and precautions to take


The beauty of intermittent fasting lies in its adaptability – a tool for various lifestyles and wellness goals.


Perfect for Busy Professionals, Weight Management Seekers, Fitness Enthusiasts, Metabolic Health, Mental Clarity Seekers, & Longevity Enthusiasts.



Accessibility: Online coaching allows you to connect from around the world, breaking down geographical barriers.


Convenience: Online coaching provides flexibility. Sessions can be scheduled at convenient times, accommodating different time zones and busy schedules, making it easier for clients to commit to their journey.


Cost-Effectiveness: Operating online eliminates the need for a physical office space, reducing costs. This cost efficiency is passed on to you, making my coaching services more affordable.


Personalization:  Online coaching platforms allow for the creation of personalized plans and resources. I can customize workouts, nutrition plans, and support materials based on individual client needs and goals.


Technology Integration: Utilizing various apps and tools for tracking progress, communicating, and sharing resources enhances the coaching experience. This integration can provide real-time data and insights, allowing for more effective coaching.


Continuous Support: 24/7 Access. I can provide guidance, answer questions, and offer motivation through messaging, fostering a sense of continuous support.


Tracking Progress: Online platforms come with tools to monitor and analyze client progress. This data-driven approach allows coaches to assess the effectiveness of strategies, make informed adjustments, and celebrate milestones with clients.


Community Building: Group Support can facilitate the creation of virtual communities where clients can share experiences, tips, and motivation. This sense of community can enhance the overall experience and create a supportive network.


Privacy and Comfort: You may feel more comfortable in your own environment, potentially leading to increased openness and honesty during coaching sessions. This can contribute to a more effective coaching relationship.


Diverse Expertise: Online coaching allows you to seek out and connect with specialists in various areas of health and wellness, ensuring a well-rounded and comprehensive approach.

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